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Vatra Agency Updates header icon / Founder & CEO Gerton Bejo
November 8, 2024 in Featured

21 Years of Vatra: A Hearth that keeps Warm through Creativity

When Vatra creates and celebrates, there are no geographic or creative boundaries. Though we are a regional boutique, our creative spirit has crossed every limit, enriched by experiences and inspirations that today resonate in every language. Over these 21 years,…
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A New Identity for DIGITALB

Digitalb has become the leading Albanian Terrestrial and Satellite Television Platform in the last 5 years. The platform is part of TOP MEDIA Group, a leading body in media and technology in South East Europe. Vatra was appointed to design…
July 15, 2009
SUPER SPORT, New, Bold and Eye – Catching IdentityUpdates

SUPER SPORT, New, Bold and Eye – Catching Identity

Super Sport Company part of Digitalb – Terrestrial and Satellite Television Platform. This is part of TOP MEDIA Group, a leading body in media and technology in South East Europe. Vatra was appointed to create a motion bold and vibrant…
July 15, 2009
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