tasting the future
It reminds you of something, doesn’t it? Well, let us help you! We have cut it from the lyrics of one of the most popular songs by the legendary band Scorpions. This sentence, in our opinion, sums up like nothing else the philosophy of the “Era” restaurant-pizzeria. Over the past 10 years, we have achieved great success together. Apparently, it only increases. From nothing else but the natural instinct and insistence to listen to the wind of change.
without forgetting the past
Today, “Era” is one of the most frequented restaurants in the capital. It is known by locals and foreigners for its traditional taste and, at the same time, for its orientation towards modern gastronomy. The pretty dishes that turn a meal into a celebration, as well as the impeccable service, are definitely a combination that cannot be easily avoided. However, a very significant role has also been played by the current logo, which, although it dates back to 2003, remains an integral part of the brand’s success.
cheers to the magic of the moment!
We all know that success is not a destination but a journey. The journey of “Era” is never ending. Knowing that a website serves as a customer’s gateway and welcome mat, “Era” restaurant-pizzeria entrusted us with the design and development of an eye-catching and user-friendly e-commerce. For us, it was a challenging as well as fun process where we prioritized flexibility, security, speed, and integration potential. From this point on, the customer can order his favorite food from anywhere and discover a business lunch on the Era website in addition to receiving detailed information, a special reservation opening, and access to other customers’ reviews. We’ve unquestionably given our best, a truly unified e-commerce experience.
The final product results as an aesthetic, comprehensive, and informative window for the customer, but above all, a window that incites emotions. As only artists of the dishes and the senses can evoke emotions. Those who are listening to the wind of change like “Era” itself.