“Duplex” is a satirical show produced by Klan television. It has a very different concept from other entertaining programs. The show is drawn up as a charming cabaret including many surprises, plays and characters with bringing to the screen very “spicy” humor. The show has very good synergy all the time, with a lot of dynamism and fun. The atmosphere channels elements of the American style and the scenography functions in relation to the context of the actors’ play.
Vatra Agency created and realized the show’s visual identity, logo, bumper ads, graphics, etc. based on the idea of the producers to place the show inside a duplex apartment. We used graphic elements that give the impression of a city, with the lights and the colors and the enthusiastic atmosphere. The visual identity created by Vatra Agency is in perfect harmony with the content, the show’s genre and has succeeded to fulfill the client’s needs.
work performed
Brand Identity, Logo Design, Graphic Design, Animation & Video Production.
industry type
Media & Entertainment
bigger than an apartment
”Partnering with Vatra Agency in the creation of the visual identity of our show “Duplex” was our best choice. Vatra’s team is very creative and professional for expressing important messages in a very attractive way. A reliable partner to work with.
Mr. Altin AgoDirector, Duplex TV Show, Tv Klan HD