work performed

Graphic Design, Animation & Video Production, Social Media Management, Content Management, Social Media Advertising.

industry type

Financial Services

Banking #fromhome

The COVID-19 pandemic, which struck the world in spring 2020, changed indirectly the way we consume and the many activities we were used to doing in a way that is now not possible or are questionable. For this reason, Credins Bank engaged in creating alternative ways through which banking needs and services can be performed. In the last 2 years, the bank’s focus has been on creating a simple and secure online banking platform, which made Credins Online become the main Credins Bank services channel for the public during this time. To this end, Vatra created an online communication campaign for all services that the clients and users of Credins Online could perform from the web-based platform. The awareness-raising campaign was reinforced by a series of three animated advertising spots which informed consumers on the importance of using the application and online platform. Easily measurable digital results showed that the number of services or transactions tripled during the lockdown period, which continued to increase in the following months.

Credins Bank, Project Img 36 - Vatra Agency / Founder & CEO Gerton Bejo

"Sigurisht behet" and “Lidhu” brought new messages to our customers by building a very good cooperation. Thank you for the correctness and professionalism demonstrated by the staff”.

Ms. Valbona GuriCMO, Credins Bank